Ladies and gents! Some exciting news to share with you today! I’ve been asked to join the Neutrogena Canada Team alongside seven other fierce Canadian bloggers to partake in their Hydro Boost product launch.
We were asked to reveal our transitional tales through several short video clips and I can’t begin to tell you what a blast I had spending two days with such a talented and beautiful group of people. We got to learn so much about each other and also shared a few laughs remembering our funny but major fail moments from our adolescent and teenage years.
I enjoy reminiscing about the different stages and eras I went through from elementary school to high school, through university and into my early twenties. I can vividly remember those defining moments that have made such a big impact shaping who I am today.
First, let’s talk about boy crushes. My first crush was a boy named Matthew in first grade. And, thanks to Facebook, I’m not going to be able to disclose his last name here. It all happened during recess, out in the playground. The boys were playing handball against the brick wall, and one hit me right in the face! It was Matthew that saved the day when he came over, hugged me and held my hand as he escorted me back to class. I was secretly in love with him for years (until I was 10 years old, that is). Not only was this my first defining romantic moment, but ironically, my first ever black eye.
While preparing for my video shoot, I had to go through many old photos. Some years of my life seem to be tucked away in very, very deep pockets (I’m likely trying to block them out of my head!), and I needed these photos to jog my memory. I love going through old photos; they bring on pure nostalgia. As I perused through these photos, I realized I made some fairly bad fashion decisions. Why didn’t anyone tell me that wearing extremely baggy t-shirts, men’s Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger windbreakers, and running shoes was NOT a good look for me? Or why didn’t anyone advise against wearing a prom dress that looked a lot like a wedding gown? People thought I was getting married!
I also realized I had some major love for DIY at a very early age. I took a jewelry-making class at a local community center when I was 12 and remember making hair pins and necklaces out of Smarties, newspapers, paper clips, and just about anything else you can find around the house. This carried on throughout the years, but my jewelry-making skills advanced into more sophisticated materials such as chains, beads, and various findings. As you can see my love for DIY has continued; I guess some traits you’re just born with!
I absolutely can’t wait to reveal my Neutrogena video segments with you as I shared a few more humorous stories including my first attempt at making my own dress! You can just imagine, right? You’ll just have to wait and see!
I’d love to hear some of your candid moments from your past! What were you like in high school? What about your prom date? What about the first boyfriend? Leave me a comment, I’d love to know!
Changes are a part of life and the ones that happen when you’re a young adult represent some of the biggest transitions. Our latest innovation: Hydro Boost gel creams for face and eye features purified hyaluronic acid, it instantly quenches and infuses skin with an abundance of moisture, so your skin will feel smooth and supple day after day. For more information, visit us at

Loving the neutrogena moisturizer, I look after my skin but feel that using a new product might just be what it needs right now…Great blog.
Thanks Linda! Sometimes you just got to try something new to see if it makes a difference!